ETUDE HOUSE "Any Cushion Cream Filter"
by Violetta
Hey Loveliez!
During enjoying the new BTS songs (online, still waiting for my album to arrive), I want to show you the latest cushion product from ETUDE HOUSE.
I got it within the PINK BIRD program. If you want to check out what was in the box this time, please click HERE. ^^
The name "cream FILTER" comes from the idea to get as nice skin as from a beauty filter on your phone. To spoil you a bit, it is really good working, just looking like you have no foundation on your skin while it looks just naurally perfect. *.*
Waaaa! We all want to shine like Kristal!
TITLE: "Any Cushion Cream Filter"
PRICE: $21.60
You can get it on the ETUDE HOUSE global online store. ^^
For those of you who don´t know what a cushion is, I´m glad to tell you. ^^
Basically it is like a BB cream inside of a container, like you may know from powders. You can get quite a certain amount out of it without waisting anything. In addition to that, the applicator, most cases a puff, is included, so you can perfectly use it on the go, on a vacation trip or just in rush mornings.
Usually korean cushions have refiller, so ou don´t need to buy the whole pachage every time it gets empty, you can buy the cheeper refill instead.
Since there are many different cushions out there on the market, they are all different textured. ETUDE HOUSE has many different textures aswell, but also priner like the "Precious Mineral MAGIC Any Cushion" or the "Sun Blind Cushion". I think the most famous foundation cushion they sell is the "Precious Mineral Moist Any Cushion".
The main point why I think it´s important to know that is because ETUDE HOUSE made an new container for their cushions. Means all the latest cushions have a different refill size than the older ones. This one is also a bit smaller. Please read this blogpost from Rosalie about the "Real Powder Cushion" to learn more about this. This cushion was the first one that was smaller sized.
So just in case you are ordering a different refiller to this one, you may have to make a bit researches how it is up with the sizes.
Beside the really cool, hard to take in a photo container, the whole inside seems to be new and different. There is like a fabric interlayer instead of the sponge which is in the others. lightly pushing this interlayer brings out the foundation. The first time I tryed it out, I pushed to hard, because I was used to how hard you need to push the "normal" sponge of the cushion. So it is really easy and fast to use. You always get a good amount of the product on the pad.As all the other cushions from ETUDE HOUSE, this one has an included mirror, a pad and also an included interlayer beteen the actual product and the mirror / where the pad lays. Thanks to this interlayer the foundation isn´t drying and also keeps the pad away from the pad,so it don´t gets smudged and soaked to much in the foundation.
In the picture below you can see on the left side the "Precious Mineral Moist Any Cushion" in shade #W13 and on the right you can see the "Any Cushion Cream Filter" in shade #Vanilla. As you can see, the #Vanilla is much lighter. If you read some reviews from my sis or me, you may can see what that meens for you in colour choosing. ^^
the spongy texture of the "Pecious Mineral MOIST Any Cushion" |
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the interlayer where the foundation comes from at the "Any Cushion Cream Filter" |
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Here you can see the colours, but also the textures n compraission. ^^ |
As you see, the "Any Cushion Cream Filter" has a bit thicker texture. That doesn´t mean it´s to sticky. It actually feels really great during the day.
Unfortunatelly, the colour I got is a bit to light for my skin. I think for my skintone #Beige would be the perfect match. Here I got some swatches of me wearing it. :3
The cushion´s couverage is not the greatest, but it looks really natural and I personal think you are not looking like you have any foundation on your skin. You see that I have some ... well not so nice spots on my skin, but I think covering them with a concealor is ok, if I need it.
Since I saw people often applying the foundation with a brush, so I tryed some different ones out for you.
This more flat and soft brush takes the foundation a bit harder than I thought. But it´s easy to put it on the skin evenly, because it´s a bit mre creamy than the "Precious Mineral Moist Any Cushion".
Secoundly I tryed a harder foundationbrush. I didn´t get the foundation really good on it. I needed to push it really hard. And as you can see the applicance is a lit lighter than with the first brush.
This is the appearance of it with the normal cushion pad. I think this one looks the best out of these three. It´s also the easyesr and fastest way to get the foundation out of the container.
The cushion is really nice and I just love it. I´m personally a great fan of foundations that are light-covering. So this one is definitelly great for me. Since the price is not to high for such a good quality, I´m sure I´ll buy me another one (but I´ll definitelly choose the #Beige one). Just great!!!
Thank you for reading! Please leafe a comment if you have any question about the product or if you want to share your thoughts with us. We are always happy to hear from you.
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